Rendering / Output Image(s)

Properties for rendering / output image(s) are in rendering property tab in property panal.


Background Color

Click buttons to change background colors.

Left color is background color for viewing range in 3DView.
Right color is for color outside viewing range, such as color outside a circle of dome master format.

Background Alpha

Treat background color as transparent color or not.



Size of output image.


Filename format out output image. For image sequence for animation, use %d format in printf format in C language.
For example, if you want images like img0000.png, img0001.png, img0002.png..., Set filepath as "somedirectory/img%04d.png"

Image Type

Type of output image. Only .png and .jpg is supported for now.

Stereogram Output

When outputing stereogram images, whether you output two separate images or combined single image(s).
When outputting two images, they would be named like img0000L.png and img0000R.png.

This panel has only setting of file output. Settings for paramater of stereogram itself is in object propertis of camera.

Render from Start Frame

Start rendering from the initial frame of work area.
Uncheck if you want to start rendering from the current frame for resuming.

Shadow Map

Cast shadows using shadow mapping method.
In this method, additional rendering from the light sources are done. (Shadow map)
Shadows are calculated by comparing the z information of images shot from camera and light sources.
Information for shadowing is stored in a buffer texture.
So that the quality of shadow depends on the resolution and size of texture.

Jaggy would be noticeable in low resolution map.

Shadow map is cast in front of light source.
No shadow would be drawn outside of range of map.

Static Map

If data and light sources are static, there is no need to make shadow map every frame.
When this option is checked, skips shadow map creation, and reuse current shadow map.

Buffer Size

Texture size of shadow map.
The larger the size, the better the quality of shadow, with the cost of time and GPU memory usage.

Ortho Map Size

The shadow map for point light is rendered with 90 degree angle.
When the light source is parallel light, the angle can not be defined.
Insteadly, this parameter for the size of the map is used.


Clipping parameters for the shadow map rendering.
The shadow is valid when the distance from the light source is within this range.

Cubic Map

A single shadowmap covers only a limited region.
To cover the full angles of point light, you can make 6 cubic shadow maps.
Option for cubic map is in the property of light source.

Shadow Volueme

Cast shadows using shadow volume method. Only objects with solid polygon can cast shadow. Such objects as points in particles data or volume data can not cast shadow.


Length of shadow. Exact shadow has infinite length. However, long shadow polygon leads to slower rendering speed, so that you sould set length as short as possible according to the scale of the scene.

Offset value determines the casting position of shadow polygon. Smaller value leads to more exact shadows, but if offset is too small, Z-fighting between object polygons and shadow polygons occurs.

A example of image with Z-fighting on a sphere. You should set larger offset value in this case.

Check Clipping

In the simpleset way of shadow volume, the rendering breaks when the camera is in shadowed region. This problem can be corrected, but with some cost in rendering speed. If you know that camera is outside the shadow all the time, you can remove the check, and use simplest way of shadow volume (and get some rendering speed).

Closed Object Only

You can repress Z-fighting to some degree by casting shadows from polygons at oppisite side of the light source. This method can be used only for closed object.

Transparent Shadow

When this checkbox is checked, semi-transparent object cast shahodws stochastically. Use with "Ensemble."

Motion Blur


Motion blur is implemented as overlapping snapshot images of slightly different times. Length/Quality parameters determine the range of time and number of snapshots.

Gamma Correction

Exactly speaking, RGB value is not the true brightness on monitor, it is modified by gamma correction. Thus, simple averaging of RGB values for overlap tends to lead darker image. When this checkbox is on, this effect is cancelled by additional correction.


Some effects require averaging of multiple rendered images. This parameters determines the number of samples.
Ensemble works with "Focal Blur", "Soft Shadow", "Transparent shadow", and dissolve texture setting (stochastic transparency).

Gamma Correction

RGB value of each pixel is averaged in ensemble process. For the same reason in motion blur, simple averaged values RGB are not the accurate averaging of brightness.
When this checkbox is on, this effect is cancelled by additional correction of gamma.

Subpixel Rendering

Ensemble requires repeated rendering of the same scene.
To utilize them, subpixel rendering is implemented.

With small size buffer, the rendering results shows heavy jaggy.
The right image shows the ensemble rendering with sample 4. The image is anitialiased and quality is improved.

With Half Size Buffer checked, the each ensemble rendering is done on halfsized buffer, (and they are composed to normal sized buffer).
This is implemented to fasten renderings in heavy scene.

When buffer size is doubled, and ensemble is done with 1/2 sized buffers, the rendering speed remains same.
But composite is done in double sized buffer, so that a small improvement of quality can be expected. (Right image).


Render Snap/Animation

Start rendering for snapshot or animation.

Note that Zindaiji4 does not distinguish between preview on the screen and rendered image, lik most 3DCG software.
The rendered image output is the same as the image on the 3D View panel.

(So, set quality parameters to higher values before start rendering if they are lowered for speed in preview.)

inserted by FC2 system