
You can add objects to the scene from ribbon menu or popup menu (Shift-A).
Objects are categorized as follows.

Basic object
PrimitiveBasic shapes as box, sphere, and plain etc.
MeshYou can add scene arbitrary object via wavefront .obj file. Some limitaion exist in importing.
EmptyEmpty is an object without solid body. Used as helpers to control other objects.
TextText object is used to show some short text in the scene.
GridCustum Grid object to show grids in the scene.
Data object
VolumeFluid or gas data meshed in xyz coordinate. Currently scalar data only. Functions for vector field is not implemented.
IsosurfaceIsosurface constructed from volumedata.
ParticleShow multiple objects as particles, rendered as points, billboards, or spheres.
Streamline Show multiple lines. It is assumed to be used to show streamlines.
Height FieldShow height field object from height data as image data format.


Five simple shapes are pre-defined. Box, Sphere, Plane, cylender, and cone.

Some of them has a pre-defined UV map, that was selected as frequently used one. (theta-phi mapping as UV map for sphere).

Division Depth

Sphere has a parameter named depth. This controls quality of its polygon shape.
With low depth, sphere would be expressed by low polygin shape.


Sometimes you want to show objects hidden by other object. When this checkbox is checked, objects would be shown even if it is backside of other objects. (Exactly speaking, is is redrawn after other objects has drawed).

Cast Shadow

Switch for object to cast shadow or not when sadow volume rendering is enabled.

Light Source

There are three types of light source, parallel, point, and spot light.


Strength of light can be faded out with distance with point light and parallel light. Fade power 1 (inverse with distance) and 2 (square inverse with distance) can be chosen. Fading would be ignored for parallel light. Fade distance is the distance that the fading begins.

Spot Light

A spotlight emit a cone-shaped beam of light.

Angle determine the cut-off angle of cone. Exponent determines the degree of attenuation of the light by the exponent of the cosine of the angle between the direction of light and the point being lighted.

Soft Size

Softening size of light. You can soften the shadow with value larger than 0. Softening is performed with
ensemble rendring
Soft shadow with ensemble sample number 16.


Redraw light even if it is hidden by other objects.

Cast Shadow

Swith for light source to cast shadow or not.

Use Cubic Map

Use cubic map for Shadow Map.
A single shadowmap covers only a limited region.
To cover the full angles of point light, you can make 6 cubic shadow maps.


Note that configuration of camera is applied to 3DView panel if that panel is attached to the camera. Without attaching to the camera, 3DView panel is always in perspective/orthogonal mode.


PespectiveThis type mathes real-world view most. Object in the distance will appear smaller than object in the forgoround.
OrthogonalObject always appear at their actualsize, regardless of distance.
FisheyeViewed as fisheye lense. Useful for creating images for dome projection. Fisheye 3 and 4 in the list have slightly different algorithms. (3 is slightly faster but with slightly low quality).
Dual FisheyeMaking two fisheye (front and back) simultaneously in a image. This is for 360 degree mapping.
Spherical FisheyeA special type of a fisheye with angle 360.
EquirectangularFull 360 degree view will be mapped to rectangular image. Phi and theta in spherical coordinate is mapped to x-y coordinate.

Vertical Angle

Vertical viewing angle of camera. Spherical Fisheye and Equirectangular cameras ignore this parameter (its angle is fixed to 360).

1st Buffer

Fisheyes or equirectangular images is rendered to first-bufferes at first, and then combined to make complete images.
This parameter determines the size of 1st buffers.
More greater values leads to higher quality, with cost in speed and memory consumption.

Tilt Angle

Some spherical movies are made for projection to dome theater.
Usually, audience of dome theater do not look at the center of dome, but look at the point near its rim. Thus, that the camera should be tilted for some degree. This parameter controls tilt angle of the camera.

Clip Min/Max

DepthMin/Max are clipping distances. Only objects with depth value (distance from the point of view) between DepthMIN and DepthMAX are shown on the screen.
Note that these values determine the accuracy of hidden surface removal process. DepthMIN value should be large and DepthMAX value should be small as long as the depth values of objects are within the range between them.
With ill-chosen settings (too small DepthMIN or too large DepthMAX), calculation about which polygon are hidden and which polygon are visible fails due to the lack of resolution, and render result would be broken down like left image.
(A phenomenon called Z-fighting or stitching that occurs when polygons have identical or similar values in the z-buffer).


When enabled, a passpartout would be shown as a guide for region within camera view.


Output image size is configured in rendering property. However, you may want different image sizes for multiple cameras.
With this check enabled, output image size would be overwrote by the size property of camera.


Used with overwrite option.

Focal Blur

Settings for focal blur effect. Use this effect with


Camera Setting

In "Off-Axis" mode, two cameras are set in parallel with offset. In this mode, object at infinitely distance looks exactly same position in two images. With symmetric frustum, images need to be trimmed appropriately in order to line up correctly.

In "Toe-in" mode, two cameras are set with small toe-in angle. Exactly saying, this is not the correct method, but practically it works well when toe-in angle is small.

Stereogram Type

Type of stereogram. If LEFT or RIGHT is selected, only one single part of images is rendered.

In "LINE BY LINE" mode, the two images are overlaped interleaved with odd and even lines, as following image. This type of display works in some sort of 3D-TV.

"RED-CYAN" and "YELLOW-BLUE" modes show anaglyphs. "RED-CYAN" anaglyph is quite popular.

"SIDE BY SIDE" is another popular format where two images are set side by side.

"Quad Buffer" is not implemented yet.


These parameters are the degree that cameras are tilded, and distance that two cameras are separated.
Angle is ignored in "Off-Axis" mode, where two cameras are set parallel.


Mesh object is a polygon object with arbitrary shape.
Zindaiji4 can read wavefront .obj flle with some limitaion. It can only read objects with triangular or quadratic polygons.

File Path

Set the file path of the object.

Base Color

.obj file can have its color information. If you want to use them, set base color to be original color.
If matrial color is set here, the object would be displayed using the material attributed to the object.

Textured object can be read.

Option for Importer

Options for importer is in format panel.


Importing .obj object that is exported from variety of softwares, the direction for forward and upward may be different than you want.
You can exhange the coordinat axis in import process.
The tags with (*) mark is mirrored coordinate system and may break front and back of polygon model.

Use emission as ambient

In some softwares as blender, default value for ambinet is 1, or white. (This factor is used for global illumination, and not for direct lighting).
However, white for ambient color in OpenGL is too strong and evrything becomes featureless white.
With this option, use emission color in .mtl for ambient color.


Empty is a object without its shape. It can be used as various purpose, such as parent of multiple objects that moves as a group, or target of camera or lighting, etc.


Text object is a flat textured plane with text. In addition to the usual object geometry (3-dimensional), a scale factor (1-dimensionl) is implemented.

Resolution of text is determined by the font settings (not by the scale factor). If you use small text font, the text would be jaggy.
Text object is a 3D object and it does not face the camera automatically. Use tracking modifier to face camera direction.


Grid object shows custum grid on the scene.

Min and max parameters determines the region of the grid and num parameter determines the interval.
Note that num parameter is a number that divede the region, so that actual line number for grid is n+1.
For example, when the number is set to 4, the region is divided by 4 and the line numbers for X and Y axes are 5 as following image.

Axis tag and coordinates at the four-corners can be displayed.
The scale, and font of tags can be selected.

If 3D Scale is checked, the tag is shown with perspective.

Cubic and circular grid can be used inaddition to planar one.


World is a dummy object for scene setting. Currently, settings for fog effect is connected to the world object.


Type and density of of fog.

Fog Color

Color of fog.


Overwrite BG

Overwrite the color of BG by the color of fog.

inserted by FC2 system