Graph Editor

The Graph Editor is used to edit time dependent parameters graphically.


The header contains various menus and controls.


Enable/disable extrapolation of selected/all parameter.


Menu for copy & paste, and delete selected key(s).

Main panel

Selection of active parameter

Active parameter is shown on the upper left corner of the panel.
The acctive parameter can be selected by two way.
One is by clicking triangle and show selection menu, and select object and parameter.
Another way is to click parameter on Timeline panel.

If you want to pin the active parameter (do not want to active parameter to be changed if other parameter is selected in timeline panel), click pin icon on the upper left corner.


View Area

Paired green slider controls viewing range. You can zoom in/out or offset of graph by dragging slider.

Blue slider controls current time index, while gray slider controls local index for the active parameter, which is used to editting but not affect the current time.

Current time is drawed by red line in the graph, while local index is drawed by white line.


Link / Unlink icons controls whether components of parameter are simultaneously controled. If linked, when new keyframe is inserted to X component, key frames would be automatically inserted to Y and Z components.
Also if keyframe is moved, similar keyframes in other chanel would be moved similarly.

Unit of time

You can change type of tics by clicking selector icon.

Sequence Indextics are base on index.
Normalized TimeNormalized time changes between 0 to 1 through entire scene.
Scene FrameScene frame including subindex. For example, scene with index length 100 with interval 2 has 200 frames.


When lock icon is set, its channel becomes uneditable (or unselectable).

Use when channes are interwined and want to edit single channel.

Graph panel

Keyframe selection

You can select keyframe by clicking each keyframe respectively, or by selecting region by mouse dragging.
If Linking is enabled, keyframes of ther channels would be selected simultaneously if exists at the same time index.

Drag keyframe and snapping

You can move selected keyframes by dragging them by mouse.

While dragging, ghosts of keyframes would be displayed, and they would be connected by dashed lines to original keyframes.
Dashed lines represents snapping that limit moving along X or Y axis.
The lines would be disconnected by moving keyframes large distance.
This snapping behavior is to help handling keyframes along X or Y axis.


Time dependent parameters are interpolated bewteen keyframes.
See the section "Interpolation" for details of interpolation.


The buttons at bottom lines can control Y-range of graph and insert/delete of keyframes.

"+" or "-" buttons zoom in/out the y-range of graph.
When auto is enabled, rande would be scaled automatically.

Sometimes, auto scaling can be annoying. "Rescale" button rescale y-range only once.

"<" and ">" buttons moves local time index (white line) to previous or next keyframe. "Insert" and "Delete" buttons insert/delete keyframes at current local time.

Numerical Panel

Numerical panel is shown on the right side of the main panel. You can show/hide this panel by clicking the << or >> button.
In this panel, following informations are shown.


Parameter value of each channel at current local time.

Active key

Detailed information of active key, which is a single key that is last selected.

inserted by FC2 system