Legend Filter

Legend filter add legend for colorcurve or time of data objact over output image.

Note that coordinate and scale are based on output geometry. You must re-adjust these parameters if you changed aspect ratio or image buffer size.


Select an target data object to use.



C Language printf format is adopted.


You can select the font and fontsize by clicking font icon. Note that large scale parameter simplay magnify the font image. If you want high-resolution font image, large font size must be used.

Offset, Scale

These parameters controls position or size for time. Origin of the coordinate for offset is bottom-left corner.

Color Curve

Offset, Scale

These parameters controls position or size for color curve. Origin of the coordinate for offset is bottom-left corner.

Tics font size

Font size for tics. Range of size parameter is from 0 to 6.
However, since the size of font is pixel based, when very large buffer size (such as 4096x4096) is used, the maximum font size may be too small. The second parameter for size multiply the text image for such cases.

inserted by FC2 system