Color Curve Editor

The Color Curve Editor panel is used to edit color curve.
Color curve is like 4 dimensional parameter with components R,G,B and A, so that the editor resembles to Graph Editor, but it have several extentions to handle color curve.


The header contains various menus and controls.


Menu for copy & paste for entire color curve.


Menu for copy & paste, and delete selected key(s).

Main panel

Selection of active parameter

Active color curve is shown on the upper left corner of the panel.
The acctive color curve can be selected by two way.
One is by clicking triangle and show selection menu, and select object and color curve.
Another way is to click colorcurve on Property panel.


Unit of index

The color clurve is mapped to [0,1] internally, and remapped to the [min, max] parameter. You can change type of tics from normalized one to remapped one by clicking selector icon.

Color curve sample

Color curve has color (RGB) and transparency information (A or alpha). Alpha = 0 means utterly transparent unseen color.
You transparency is represented by checkered pattern. You can change whether or not to show transparency in sample bar by clicking RGB/RGBA icon.


Works similarly to that in Graph Editor Panel.


Control panel in Color Curve Editor resembles that in Graph Editor, but some difference exists.
Rescale button set Y range to be [0-1], (while this buttom in Graph Editor rescale to the range between minimum and maximum value).

Color Picker

Color picker button shows color at current index. Clicking this button, you can open color picker dialong (Default dialog given by OS).
Key would be automatically inserted.

Flip Color

Flip the direction of color curve.

Swap RGB

Swap the RGB Channles. For example, Green-Red curve becomes Blue-Green curve.

Numerical Panel

Range of color curve

One of the important difference between color curve and other parameters in Graph Editor is Min/Max parameter.
This parameter remaps color curve in the range [0-1] to arbitrary range.
For example, if some particle data has temperature up to 1e6 and color should be maped to that range, set max range to 1e6.


You can set color curve from templates. Currently, templates are fixed and can no be edited or registered.


When checked, alpha in the color curve template would be used.

inserted by FC2 system