Stereogram Configure

This dialog allows you to configure stereogram setting.
In stereogram mode, images for left and right eyes are rendered separately.

You can select the stereogram type. Selecting "0: monogram" disable stereogram.

In "1: Off-Axis" mode, two cameras are set in parallel with offset.
In this mode, object at infinitely distance looks exactly same position in two images.
With symmetric frustum, images need to be trimmed appropriately in order to line up correctly.
In "2: Toe-in" mode, two cameras are set with small toe-in angle.
Exactly saying, this is not the correct method, but practically it works well when toe-in angle is small.

Select type of stereogram.
In the modes "No Parallax", "LEFT" and "RIGHT", only one image is rendered and displayed.

In "LINE BY LINE" mode, the two images are overlaped interleaved with odd and even lines, as following image.
This type of display works in some sort of 3D-TV.

"RED-CYAN" and "YELLOW-BLUE" modes show anaglyphs. "RED-CYAN" anaglyph is quite popular.

"SIDE BY SIDE" is another popular format. However, in most devices, full screen displaying is required.

"Quad Buffer" is valid if graphic board is Quadro Series. Three-dimensional Device, such as NVidia 3D Vision or DLP-Link can be used, as long as the driver is supported.

Set "Quad Buffer Stereo" in Preference Dialog to be "Use Quad Buffer if able". If graphic board is suitable one, quad buffering would be enabled after restarting.
With device for shattering grasses, stereo images would be flipped in 60Hz or 120Hz.

This gif animation shows 10Hz stereo.

Configure for OpenGL Stereo (Quad Buffering) is in "Manage 3D setting" in NVIDIA Control Panel. Note that "Set up stereoscopic 3D" is for another API (DirectX).

With Japanese OS, I can not get English snapshots.

Set "Stereo" to be "On" and "Stereo-Display mode" to be proper one according to the 3D Device.

In the case of NVidia 3D Vision, set refresh rate to be 120Hz, and DVI cable must be DualLink.

With Japanese OS, I can not get English snapshots.

If you try Quad beffering on PC that can not use Quad Beffring, application may be aborted with segmentation falut.
(In wxWidgets2.8, there is no means to know that the initialization parameter is valid before actually trying initialization. For improving this feature, please wait until Zindaiji3 works on wxWidgets3.0....)

If Zindaiji3 fails due to Quad buffering, please delete Zindaiji3Configure.txt to make settings to be default one.

In "Combined" mode, overlaped images are saved when saved with Save Image Sequence Dialog.
If "Separately" is selected, two images are saved separately. Tag "L" and "R" is automatically added to the file name.

Note that, red and cyan (yello and blue) images are saved separatly in "Separately and anaglyph" mode.
Use "LINE BY LINE" or "SIDE BY SIDE" to obtain separated original images.

In "Toe-In" mode, two cameras converges with "Toe-In Angle" angle. If this value is set to be 0.5, left camera rotates 0.5 degree to right, and vice versa.
"Parallax Distance" is the distance between two cameras.

The value "Distance to Focus" is automatically calculated from above parameters.
The object at "Distance to Focus" appeares at the screen.

inserted by FC2 system