This dialog provides the way to configure mouse settings and parameters about performance.

Configure mouse settings.

Red column indicates modifier for middle mouse button emulation.

If you are using 32bit OS, I recommend that memory limit to be 768-1024MB, due to 2GB limit of the memory usage.
(Even if you have 2GB memory, assigning continuos memory becomes more and more difficult with increasing memory usage.)

Thread number for reading individual files.

JPEG quality parameter when outputing image.

Whether use multi-thread when outputing image sequence. Faster but use more CPU resource.

If particles increase of decrease with time, and downsized simply based on particles index, flickering may occur. Downsize based on particle ID can prevent this flickering, though the process is slower than simple index-based one.

When rendering very large number of particles, some error in z-sort may be negligible. If so, you can change the routine to faster (but not precise) one. When multiple type of particles exists and changing Open GL parameter takes much time, Zindaiji3 can attempt to change the order of a part of particles to fasten rendering. Simple shadow volume may collapse when camera is in shadowed area. Methods exist that prevent this collaption, but it makes rendering slower.
You can select not to use the correction process according to the camera path. Whether to use Quad Buffering or Not. Works only with graphic board Quadro series. The setting works on initialization process, so that restarting Zindaiji3 is required.

If you try Quad beffering on PC that can not use Quad Beffring, application may be aborted with segmentation falut.
(In wxWidgets2.8, there is no means to know that the initialization parameter is valid before actually trying initialization. For improving this feature, please wait until Zindaiji3 works on wxWidgets3.0....)

If Zindaiji3 fails due to Quad buffering, please delete Zindaiji3Configure.txt to make settings to be default one. When using some graphic system, or when using Quad buffering, some version of Quadro or driver shows mulfunction abotd window refresh, even if OpenGL drawing succeeds in background.

To suppress this refresh failure, you can force window refresh with higher priority (with some performance decrement).


Settings for openGL is mainly for debugging. These preferences settings for OpenGL is used in initializing openGL state and initial compiling process of GLSL shaders.

If you are not using Quadro graphic board, Quad Buffer Stereo can not be used, (but trying to initialize with this setting would be failed).
If you mistakenly change this setting, remove Zindaiji3.ini file. (This file would be remaked automatically).


Whether to use shader or not. Set it to be off if mulfunctions occur in some video cards. Whether to enable alpha for texture on objects. Whether to make display list for point rendering. It fasten redering with some overhead.
Max point num determine the upper particle number limit. Best number depends on graphic memory.

When a single frame is used and only camera moves, this works good.
However, if animation is made, display list constantly wouble be made and discarded, and the overhead overweights the merit. Additional threads are made for preparing of next step scene.
It may be effective for animation making.
Order of data update. It may be helpful when using complicated expression, refering to both particle data and object data. Using multithread for billboard rendering.
Its effectiveness depends on scene. Sometimes it works good.
This can be affected by parameters Buffer and Element Max.


This panel shows the list of shortcuts.
You can edit each component by double clicking

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