Morphology filters

Morphology filter is a way of extract the feature of volume data.

In a way, it is very similar to 2D artwork processes to remove noise, such as [select region by color], [expand/shrink region] [paint region].


By applying Dilation and making isosurface, you can clearly see the volume expands.

His face badly swollen...


On the contrary, Erosion make the volume shrinked. However, the structure filled by dilation no longer removed.

Clear edge of his face is lost forever...

Thus, combining Dilation and Erosion, interrupted structures are forced to connect. This process is called Closing.
On the contrary, Opening (Erosion and Dilation) removes nioses.

This animation compares structure before and after Closing.

Note that Morphology Filters are very heavy process. I reccomend to export processed volume as .df3 file first.
And then visualize processed data.

Morphology filters have effects only to preview. Not to Pov-Ray rendering image. Use Exported data for Pov-Ray rendering.
inserted by FC2 system