Light Source

You can add or delete light source with Light Source Congirure Dialog.

Max light number is 8 for Preview,
Note that volume rendering with scattering of light is very heavy effect.
We recommend use multiple lighting only for solid objects like isosurface.

The first light is used for emboss shading in previewing.

You can edit position of light on timeline editor.

Three type of light (point light, parallel light, spotlight) exist. The target of spotlight must be the origin, or a point numerially set. (ver0.700)
In preview, some lighting effect works but no shadow would be cast.

Two parallel light and a point light in preview.
When area light is set, half shadow can ve calculated.
Note that Rendering time becomes much longer with area light.

normal light and area light

If "Child of cam" is checked, the light source moves with camera.

Note) There is a bug in PovRay 3.7 about scattering. If a light is set inside volume box, the volume looks much lighter than it should be. I hope this would be fixed in 3.7.1.
inserted by FC2 system